How to get glowing skin by not popping acne.

During the time that we hit puberty, we started getting zits, or pimples on our faces, and our backs. Of course, we reacted with disgust and panic because there, on our face and other body parts, pimples have started growing. When you look at less fortunate people, the pimples might have ‘nested’ and have come into existence in the groups.

Before I continue, let us define what acne and pimples really are and in the process, we will learn how and where we can get them. With this information, we can try to avoid getting acne easier and thus sustain and maintain our youthful glowing, and spotless skins.

Acne is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent. However, the disease is not restricted to any age group; adults in their 20s - even into their 40s - can get acne. While not a life threatening condition, acne can be upsetting and disfiguring. When severe, acne can lead to serious and permanent scarring. Even less severe cases can lead to scarring. From

Plugged pores. In my last post, 'Open up Your Pores', I talked about how to take care of our delicate pores. This is extremely important as various forms of germs and dust may enter them. We can get acne and pimples from the smoke and dust particles in the air. We can also get them through touching our faces with our hands. If you are wary about pimples, you may already know that our hands contain natural oils that may possibly ‘plug’ our pores, if we are not careful.

We can also get acne and pimples from the food we eat. Rarely do we get these from everyday food but when we do come across chocolate or any other fatty food, we are prone to pimple formation.
how to get glowing skin
Side note: My uncle would always get pimples after eating Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.

Anyway, it is normal to get pimples but once they overdo their stay and multiply, you should consult your dermatologist.

Here’s one crucial tip that can save you hundreds of dollars from doctor fees and tons of humiliating days.

Do not, under any circumstances, touch or pop your acnes and pimples. Doing so will only help the germs inside the pus-full bunkers spread out on the surface of your face or skin. Even though seeing them might be irritating, do not pop them. . . if you value your ‘glowing’ skin.

Also be careful of the cosmetics that you put on your face as they might aid in clogging your pores. This will result in even graver effects. You can read more about the hazards of using make up and cosmetics in my first post.

We should always remember that we are not like snakes or any other reptile, which changes skins when nature calls on them to do so. We should not take advantage of our youthful glowing skin now as it will be hard to repair or mend it as we grow older.

Here is another related article that can help in reducing and avoiding huge pimples.

Skin Guru

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